A Gardener’s Library
There are thousands of good books on gardening, farming, and all the things. I have put together this list of books that I recommend and have gotten after much diligence and after reading tons of reviews. There have been several that I have already read to help us build, work on, plant, and maintain our gardens that we planted this past spring/summer 2022. I wanted to make sure that I have a running list of books that have helped us and share what we have learned about the do’s and don’ts. These are the books that are helping us to understand and plan our gardens. I will rate each book. Some I have used as a reference book and some I have read from cover to cover. I have a long list of books I want to finish this winter (including some that are in this list that I used as a reference, but want to read from cover to cover). As I keep reading these books, I will update my reviews on them. My family also has a good many more that I will add as I read those as well. There are well over a 100 books on gardening in our home. I only have so much time between work, school, chores, writing, and volunteering. But I will keep updating this list as I find books that I think you might find as useful as we have. I have also chosen to added some of my favorite “free reading” books on farming and animal keeping. Along with a good list for those who are horse lovers – just for fun! Happy Reading!
Soil Building
- A Soil Owners Manual by Jon Stika
- Gaining Ground by Forrest Pritchard
- Growing A Revolution by David R. Montgomery
- Dirt to Soil by Gabe Brown
- Teaming With Microbes by Jeff Lowenfels and Wayne Lewis
- Teaming With Nutrients by Jeff Lowenfels
- Teaming With Fungi by Jeff Lowenfels
Fruit Gardening
- The Fruit Gardener’s Bible by Lewis Hill and Leonard Perry
- Homegrown Berries by Teri Chase
- The Holistic Orchard by Michael Phillips
- Growing a Little Fruit Tree by Ann Ralph
- The Old-Fashioned Fruit Garden by Jo Ann Gardner
Veggies, Edibles, and More
- The Incredible Edible Landscape by Joy Bossi and Karen Bastow
- Mini Farming by Brett L. Markham
- Home Grown Pantry by Barbara Pleasant
- A Rich Spot of Earth by Peter J. Hatch
Companion Planting
- The Mix & Match Guide to Companion Planting by Josie Jeffery
- Companion Planting for Beginners by Brian Lowell
- Roses Love Garlic by Louise Riotte
- Mini Farming by Brett L. Markham
- The Backyard BeeKeepers by Kim Flottum
- Hobby Farm by Carol Ekarius
Preserving The Harvest & Other Skills
- Root Cellaring by Mike and Nancy Bubel
- Home Cheese Making by Ricki Carroll
- A Guide to Canning, Freezing, Curing & Smoking Meat, Fish & Game by Wilbur F. Eastman Jr.
- Storey’s Basic Country Skills by John and Martha Storey
- Building Small Barns, Sheds, & Shelters by Monte Burch