Other people can grow strawberries, I can’t.
My Grandma had a green thumb, I don’t.
My Grandma could grow anything, she never showed me.
My parents didn’t teach me, so I don’t know how.
You have a green thumb, I don’t.
You are a gardener, I am not.
You can grow stuff, mine always dies.
Change your narrative, change your life
I don’t know what I am doing, but I am going for it!
Books are my teachers, I can learn!
Watched a video on it, if he can do it, I can!
Have a friend who gardens, I will ask her!
Visited a friends garden, they showed me!
Found a mentor, many mentors, they walked me through it.
Gardening is FAILING FORWARD and there is JOY in the process!
All of those were me, are me!
Or this day’s harvest would not be!
But I flipped the script and learned little by little, embraced failure, grow mediocre tomatoes, but fabulous
peppers! Found out strawberries
are easy and almost zero fail, __IF__ you prepare the soil and learn what they need. Same with every other thing. I just keep learning, humbling myself, learning when I blow it and I keep going.
Life, kids, business, gardening, it is all the same fabric ~ it starts with a vision, prayer – I am nothing without Him and He spoke the universe into existence, He KNOWS!! Add some learning, which leads to paradigm shift and new ways of acting/believing/doing. It is a simple need to set your
mind on a particular thing and GO FOR IT!
Trade your excuses in for a new life! Live in that decision.
Learn and embrace the beauty
of failure.
Only One is perfect and it is not us!
Remember beloved, we are called to bear GOOD fruit! Whether you grow
strawberries or not ~ walk in a manner worthy of the gospel! I love you! And ask me ALL the
strawberry questions!!! I became a Master Gardener for 1 main reason, to further my skills AND God made my
heart and
mind to teach others His Perfect Word, but also, that same teaching
were His giftings to lead others in how to garden and all the things! Probably should go ahead and resurrect my blog where so much once lived – but y’all, I have 17 trees to plant this weekend!!!
I love YOU! Go for it! Don’t let your excuses stand in the way. Life is for living! Gardens are for growing!