
Raw Milk Cottage Cheese

Made 🐄 raw milk cottage cheese for the first time today – it was excellent! So good for you and it is like our bodies THANKED us for this fabulous, satisfying slow food! Gave our fruit trees a dose of the leftover whey! Annnd began the side yard clean up for a fresh new ☀️🌿permaculture! We found more of that awful cloth – it was in every established flower bed in this home, it divides good soil, vs letting ALL the soil become enriched with all the amendments and worms. Good soil layer, then clay brick. Trying to get rid of all the fabric, weeds grow on top of it and it is two layers thick in some areas – a few inches apart – just skip it! All these bulbs become a disaster over time – keeping a few and the rest are going to make room for something fabulous and new! Will share more as that develops! Realized that the BROADFORK moved much more easily through the hip zone after doing the RESET! Yay! Progress in lots of ways!