Let Food Be Your Medicine…
Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food! Beloved, it is a learning curve! I grew up eating out of cans and boxes. My grandparents had a beautiful garden and fruit trees and they shared tons in the summer. But overall, I had to learn a bit here, cook a new vegetable there. Kept expanding, learning, trying new things. It can “FEEL” scary, but really, one meal at a time- YOU can do this! My best tip,
eat the colors of the rainbow. Involve your kiddos with growing food or choosing it – they are more likely to try it! And know, perfection is not a human trait, we all have to start somewhere and it is really a simple process to learn, incorporating 1 food at a time, how to eat life giving, whole, real food, especially if you did not grow up with it! Step by step, cookbook by cookbook, we have learned, failed, made some fabulous meals and some that deserved the trash can, though were made of stellar ingredients!
Know, beloved, that true healthcare starts in your kitchen! You have so much control over your health and immunity! Baby step by baby step, you can conquer and learn! And I am right here, CHEERING YOU ON!!!!!